Pathwright has many features already, and we launch new features or enhancements every 6 weeks. Even so, there are—and always will be—hundreds more features that we could build but haven't yet.
If you’ve ever wondered about how we prioritize what to build, well . . . read on:
We love to hear suggestions for new features, so if you have one, please let us know. And just so you know what to expect, we'll respond in 1 of 3 ways:
1) That's on the roadmap. If your feature request is already on our roadmap, we'll confirm with two important qualifications:
2) That's not on the roadmap. If we don't have plans to build it, we'll be up front about that.
3) That's an interesting suggestion! If we're not sure about it, we'll likely ask a few more questions and catalog the feature requests to consider later.
We pick which of the hundreds of features we could or should do at some point by . . .
Let us know! We'd love to hear from you.
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