Articles /
Inside Scoop
Don't sell your company before you've built it.
There are excellent and lousy versions of venture-backed and independent software companies. But differing priorities trend towards divergent paths in the long run.
Why We Rebranded After 10 Years
Why rebrand after a decade? I'll answer that in a moment. But first, let me rewind.
Should Teachers Be Experts?
Experts are expected to be teachers (and vice versa). If we confuse these two equally important skills, we dramatically devalue what makes them particularly helpful.
Learner Attention vs Scale at Odds Then, Not Now
How much of their limited attention can teachers give to learners? For a long time, we’ve operated as if only two choices exist. But I think there’s an Option Three.
Mark Johnson on Side Projects
Coffee Walks is a new and ongoing interview show from the Pathwright team. Mark Johnson discusses the importance of side projects in his own life and the Pathwright team.
We're Not Here to Change the World
The first person to ever complete a Pathwright course was a retired gentleman in his 70s. He’d never even used a computer before. His granddaughter set him up with a laptop, internet connection, and a barely-working Pathwright account.
5 Reasons Why We Work in 6-Week Cycles
We couldn't get away from the feeling that we were running on a treadmill we had no way of switching off or even slowing down. Recovering a more natural rhythm of work and rest humans are wired for, here are five benefits of working in 6-week cycles that we can't do without.
What's On the Roadmap?
There are – and always will be – hundreds of features that we could build but haven't. If you’ve ever wondered about how we prioritize what to build, well…
Creative Addicts
Running often is not a comfortable choice. Yet almost every day, I find myself hitting the trail for a run even though it’s much easier to do practically anything else.
How to Reach Your Goal Every Week
Whether you’re wrangling your team to reach a milestone this week or psyching yourself up to launch your course this month, you can ride the primo wave of a supportive process to get there.
Everything Is a Teaching Thing
The first days of class are what I remember best from my time teaching. Covering syllabi, mispronouncing names on the roll, trying to wrap up early to build goodwill with my students.
How I Accidentally Launched a Business/Startup
A lot of people set out to start a business. The perception of flexibility, independence, respect, and potential wealth are big draws. The millennial way of expressing this is to found a “startup.”
The Shape of Learning
Before you read this, pause and take a look at everything you’ve learned in the past month. …and done? Of course not.